2020-05-16 今天是 888 天了
2020-05-16: 我们家豆芽 2 周 5 月 8 天 [888 天] 了. – 来自 telegram 的定时通知。 现在是 6mm 的小光头,后脑勺有撮比较长的头发
2020-05-16: 我们家豆芽 2 周 5 月 8 天 [888 天] 了. – 来自 telegram 的定时通知。 现在是 6mm 的小光头,后脑勺有撮比较长的头发
Telnet 中使用 smtp 发送邮件
原文: How to Install EPEL and REMI Repository on CentOS/RedHat 7/6 EPEL is known as Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository having lots of extra packages which is not added in official repos...
“倒啊,倒啊” ,媽媽說很喜歡聽你說這個
wsl 方式运行的 CentOS 7 无法运行 service/systemctl 命令的解决办法.
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an efficient way to get the benefits of different Linux operating systems on Windows 10 PC and laptops. WSL allows running of Linux apps directly on Windows...
Askbot is an open source software for creating Q&A forums based on Python Django Framework. It's basically a Q&A system like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers, and others. Created by Mike Chan and Saili...
Vim 多文件编辑:窗口
Vim 多文件编辑:标签页