
2015-12-30 Happy New Year

The New Year’s bell is about to ring, and 2015 is slipping away. At the beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, we wish all of you a happy new year, and kindful greetings! The year of 2015 is usual and common. Chinese users can’t visit facebook and twitter yet, human beings still live on earth, Skynet hasn’t got self-awareness, there are 24 hours a day, the globe rotates as before, no one can build colony out of the solar system. The year of 2015 is also unusual and uncommon. Economic depression, global warming, haze invades everywhere, dozens of disasters which has taken too many of lives away… always make we sad. In this usual and uncommon year, we lament the lost lives, we fight for our future, we inherit the ancestors’ will, we go on with our firm step. It’s hard to live, we all have to conquer many problems and continue with payloads. We promise as long as we can afford to pay the server, we will be here forever. We try our best to present you a better city, provide you a free digital platform for everyone to stay connected. Let’s walk gently into 2016, share more incredible resources and have more fun. Thanks for your support.

2016 年的钟声即将敲响,在这 2015 渐行渐远之际,我们在此向广大市民致以新年的祝福和亲切的问候! 2015 年,是多么平凡的一年。国人仍打不开脸书推特,人类依然生活在地球上,天网尚未拥有自主意识,一天仍然是 24 小时,地球照旧自转和公转,大家也还没能到太阳系外建立殖民地。2015 年,是多么不平凡的一年。经济尚未起飞便软着陆,各行业呈现低迷态势,气候变暖,雾霾封城,各处天灾人祸,无数悲剧令人不胜唏嘘。 在这平凡而又不平凡的一年中,我们感慨逝去的灵魂,我们奋斗着自己的生活,我们继承着先人的遗志,我们征服着前进道路上的阻碍。 生活不是一帆风顺的,每个人也有太多的牵绊和背负。乌云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开。重重险阻不能阻挡我们前行的脚步,只要还能支付得起地皮费,城市就会继续开下去。我们将深入贯彻学习科学发展观,加强各方友好交流,积极应对金融危机,气候变化,生产安全,食品健康等问题,为促进世界文化交流,共享数字化生活,丰富人类精神文明作出应有的贡献。 感谢每一位市民的支持与厚爱,让我们共同揭开 2016 的画卷,书写美好而动人的新篇章。


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